If you would like to make a donation, please call 489-8919 or use the contact button below to arrange a drop off time.

Please do not leave donations outside our building. Simply let us know if you would like to make a donation, and we will arrange a time for you to drop it off.

Right now we need:


Cleaning Supplies

All general cleaning supplies. All-purpose cleaners, disinfecting sprays, wipes, floor cleaners, dish detergent, laundry detergent, glass cleaner, bathroom/kitchen cleaner and furniture polish are all examples of useful cleaning products our clients need.

Tissue Products

Currently we are accepting all tissue products, including toilet paper, facial tissue and paper towels.

Gift Cards

Grocery and gas station gift cards are always useful donations. We are always accepting these, as they take up next to no space!

Diapers & Baby Wipes

All sizes of diapers are in demand at this time. And what parent couldn’t use more baby wipes!?


All brands and types of baby formula are welcome.

Cell Phones

If you have a working, used phone you aren’t using, please consider donating it. Sometimes a client needs a phone but can’t afford a new one. A phone can be a lifeline and life saver for clients living in unsafe households, especially right now.

It’s pretty easy to pop your SIM card out and erase data/reset to factory settings. We can make sure some one in need gets your old phone.


iPads & Tablets

We are currently looking for a couple of tablets to keep in our Women’s Centre for client use. These would be kept on hand by us, for our clients who need internet access.

If you have a working tablet you aren’t using anymore, please consider donating it (after erasing all data, of course!).